Saturday, January 9, 2021

The Decline in Religion and Morality


Why is the United States in the condition it is now? Some wish to blame Republicans, others wish to blame Democrats. Fingers point to key political fingers like Pelosi, Trump, etc. but these personalities are not to blame - the root cause is the moral fiber of this great country is being eroded by those who resist any form of authority which might govern their lives. One chief authority being pushed out of public influence is religion. Religion provides a moral backbone to society and as we see religion reduced, we are seeing immorality and crime increase. The facts are truly undeniable:

(Downey, 2017a)

While Protestantism in the United States still leads, their numbers are dropping significantly over the last several years and at the same time the 'nones' are increasing at about the same rate - to the point that before 2040 the 'nones' will eclipse Protestantism. While Catholicism remains fairly steady, though slightly on the decline, from the research by Downey (2017b) the 'nones' are already eclipsing them in numbers. 

Back to the point: In a recent Gallup poll (Brenan, 2019) of 21 issues which at one time all were considered immoral, one can see the moral imbalance:

America needs to get back to church! 


Brenan, M. (2019). Birth control still tops list of morally acceptable issues. Gallup

Downey, A. (2017a). The retreat from religion is accelerating [blog]. Probably Overthinking It 

Downey, A. (2017b). The U. S. is retreating from religion: By 2030, say projections, a third of Americans will have no religious preference. Scientific American.


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