Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Is President Obama's Birth Certificate a Fake?

This person does an excellent job of showing how the birth certificate presented by has been editted.  Take a look and decide for yourself.


cathmom5 said...

It's pretty shocking that Obama got away with not showing his birth certificate BEFORE the election, in the first place. If he had been a Rebuplican, or a conservative of any stripe, he would never have been on the ticket let alone elected. People running for president are scrutinized to the last jot and tittle. Why is it different for Obama? Why???? (rhetorical of course).

CathApol said...

Well, to be clear here - I am not declaring that Obama is either a) NOT a natural born US citizen or b) that he's not eligible to BE president. All I'm saying is THAT document has been tampered with.

As far as I am concerned, President Obama is an American. Keep in mind, the REASON the Founding Fathers implemented this condition on the country for those who may desire to be the President of the United States was due to the fact that they didn't want someone with foreign ties and foreign allegiance to be in the position of running the country. I don't believe this is so much of a concern anymore, AND if someone like that WERE to get into office, there are checks and balances (like impeachment) to get them booted out.

Back to the point - this document truly appears to have been tampered with, and on the face - that would seem to me that the president is, minimally, lying to the American people.

The silly, or perhaps purely STUPID part is, that whomever tampered with that document COULD have "flattened" it - making it all "one layer" and thus avoiding much of the scrutiny being levied across the Internet by those who KNOW how to use Adobe. I mean, if you're going to go through the effort to modify a document, why not go that ONE MORE STEP to "flatten" out the "layers" so that it doesn't APPEAR that you have played around with it?

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