A Baptist "pastor" in Tempe, AZ made a comment:
"If you execute the homos, you wouldn't have all these AIDS running rampant."
Well, if that quote is accurate - not only is this "pastor" quite irresponsible - he also needs a lesson in grammar. Executing all homosexuals would, indeed, reduce the number of AIDS cases in the world since the majority of AIDS is still found amongst the homosexual community, but to say that is morally reprehensible, especially for one who claims to be a "pastor." The equivalent would be to say, "If you executed everyone in north-western Africa, you wouldn't have all these cases of Ebola running rampant." Again, a true statement, but is it moral to kill everyone in that portion of Africa to eradicate a disease which exists among part of their population?
Where is the Christian outcry against this "pastor?" A friend of mine points out:
The thought came to me today that executing gays was once an idea that the Church tolerated when it was introduced by the Christian Emperors Justinian & Theodosius.My response was "the Church tolerated a lot of things which were culturally acceptable throughout history." Case in point, the Church today tolerates the homosexual community! Considering that homosexuality is an abomination to the Lord, as declared in several places by Scripture, the Church could easily "justify" supporting this Baptist "pastor" and the outlandish statement - but instead she offers a welcome to them, and yes, prays and hopes for their conversion and rejection of the sinful lifestyle, but does not outright reject homosexual persons.
My friend added:
I thought it interesting that locally Fr. (now excommunicated) Vernon Myers spoke up against what the Baptist pastor was saying.Meyer (now affiliated with the Sun Lakes Church of Christ) was excommunicated from the Catholic Church (automatically, he actually excommunicated himself by the act he took) when he rejected Church authority and "ordained" a woman to the priesthood.
Perhaps a better rendition of this Baptist "pastor" if found here:
"Because if you executed the homos, like God recommends, you wouldn't have all this AIDS running rampant," http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/12/04/pastor-calls-for-killing-gays-to-end-aids/19929973/Grammatically, that is better - but still an outrageous statement. In that article it also mentions Meyer speaking out against the Baptist "pastor." From what I could find, here is what Meyer said:
"I see a lot of drama," said Pastor Vernon Meyer with Sun Lakes United Church of Christ. "That's very offensive when he says 'homo'."More later on this story...
Anderson does more than use the disparaging term. In his sermon, he stated, "All homos are pedophiles. There, I said it, they're all pedophiles."
"He's a liar," Meyer said. http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/tempe/2014/12/04/12news-tempe-pastor-calls-for-killing-gays-to-end-aids/19903409/
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